Friday, October 2, 2020




 While we have been monitoring the unfolding developments in the Matthias Krull Miami case, there is another case, also pending in the Southern District of Florida, which involves another segment of the $600m moved out of Venezuela, of which the Portmann Capital/Pilatus Bank movement of $160m was an integral part. The MaltaGate defendants may already have been named in this case, which is styled United States vs. Guruceaga.(18-cr-03119 (SDFL). Portmann is referred to in the Complaint, as "European Financial Institution 1 in Malta."

In that case, two of the principal defendants obtained a delay in their scheduled sentencing, which was to have occurred over the summer,  to October and November, respectively. One of the defendants is GUSTAVO ADOLFO HERNANDEZ FRIERI, who is described in the Criminal Complaint as "a professional money launderer who uses his financial firms ... to launder money with false mutual-funds investments." The sentencing delay was listed as unopposed, which generally means that there is cooperation in progress which requires additional time to be completed, so that the defendant will get credit at sentencing.


                                                               Gonzalo Hernández Frieri

Thereafter, on August 27, and on August 31, there were six court flings made under seal,. A superseding indictment, where the targets are not yet in custody, is generally filed under seal, to keep the defendants from unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. Therefore, we have identified two Miami Federal cases, both of which have (1) Cooperating Individuals, and (2) sealed filings, either of which may have sealed indictments outstanding, naming some or all of the MaltaGate defendants. 



We shall continue in our quest to further identify the possible active District Court cases where the MaltaGate targets may have already been indicted by a Grand Jury.

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