A new administration has arrived in St. Lucia; it faces the problem of making extensive corrections to local real estate titles, due to massive fraud committed by officials in the prior government, in association with corrupt associates and subordinates , who illegally altered real estate records. These criminals conspired together to steal a large amount of St. Lucia real estate from many property owners, some of whose families had held title for generations. This is a huge research project to undertake.
We have previously, on this blog*, detailed the specific types of fraud employed by the conspirators to cheat the true owners out of their land, and readers who are not familiar with these articles are urged to review those articles, by accessing the hyperlinks at the end of this article.
Some of the victims were permanently residing abroad, and others were deceased, with no immediate relatives present in St. Lucia. Still others were poor farmers and absentee landowners having no formal education. Most these victims were cheated out of their properties through artful forgeries of real estate surveys, records, deeds and wills all of which actions resulted in the fraudsters acquiring title, which they promptly thereafter sold to unsuspecting third parties, for value, cleverly conveying good title. This demonstrates a clear knowledge on the part of the conspirators, of how real estate law can be employed to deceive buyers, and make corrective action difficult, if not impossible, at a later date.

While we do not know precisely how many local landowners were dispossessed of their realty, given the organized campaign to acquire their lands, the number could be in the hundreds. It will take a team of experienced real estate solicitors, all of whom must be experienced in East Caribbean title laws and procedures, paired with forensic investigators, including disputed documents examiners, to determine which transfers were legitimate, and which were accomplished through forgeries. Additionally, local St. Lucian staff who are familiar with, and can access family histories, and therefore capable of tracing missing or deceased victims, to identify and locate next of kin. It is hoped that leaders of Commonwealth states can recommend, and assemble, qualified individuals, and fund their compensation and costs.
We note that the National Election in St. Lucia, on July 26, 2021, was a clear victory for the Opposition Saint Lucia Labour Party, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki-Saint_Lucia_Labour_Party) which won thirteen of the seventeen seats in the House, while the then-ruling United Workers Party,(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United-Workers-Party(Saint_Lucia), which allegedly supported the land thieves, lost nine of its eleven seats. Thus Opposition victory gave the victims of the land thefts a chance for justice, especially since Richard Frederick won the Castries Central seat in Parliament.
Mr. Frederick, an seasoned lawyer with a record of being a strong advocate for St. Lucia's underprivileged, poor and uneducated victims of the country's land thieves. He appears to be best suited, through training and experience, of all those in Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre's government, to conduct an objective investigation and audit of St. Lucia real estate records, and to obtain justice for the victims.
The US State Department is believed to have erroneously and repeatedly revoked Attorney Frederick's US Visa based solely upon false statements and accusations made by his political enemies in St. Lucia. Frederick asserts that there is not an iota of evidence possessed by any US government agency to support his continuing visa denial by the US Embassy in Barbados.
The Honorable Richard Frederick, now appointed as Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Housing and Local Government, now requires access with, and travel to, a number of US government agencies located within the Continental United States, to properly investigate the St. Lucia land thieves, who have reportedly concealed their criminal proceeds in the US.
We believe that St. Lucia's new Prime Minister must also ask the US State Department, at the highest level, to investigate alleged bias and racism against Frederick, which he claims exists at the US Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados.
The Government of St. Lucia, to effectively discharge its duties, especially the land thieves investigation, must have US visas issued to Richard Frederick and other members of the government, to give them access to agencies located at Washington, D.C. we trust that the US government will recognize its errors, and issue US visas.
We note that the April 18, 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations remains binding upon the United States, and Prime Minister Pierre could simply invoke its provisions against the obviously racist and biased American officials with the stroke of a pen.
* St. Lucia Land Thieves Exploit Americans and Canadians
The Peter Leroy John Land Fraud Scam is Unraveling
Peter Leroy John, St.Lucia's Fraudster Extraordinaire