Friday, January 16, 2015


Can someone put these seemingly unrelated events together ?

(1) A senior police officer in Haiti, who is closely associated with the President, went to the US Embassy to renew his visa. He was told to return in uniform, and when he did, he was taken into custody and transported to the United States. He has not been heard from, but he has not been indicted, either. Immunity for his testimony, I wonder ?

(2) Mining exploration permits, for copper, gold and silver, were awarded to several American & Canadian companies, and to local entities whose ownership is non-transparent. They were awarded when the Parliament, which must approve them, was in holiday recess. The Haitian Senate later revokes them. Most expert believe that the mines would be an ecological disaster in northern Haiti.

(3) There are persistent rumors that the foreign companies paid $500,000 for each permit.

(3) The Prime Minister  was forced to resign; it turns out that, a long time ago, he was a government official in the Bureau of Mines.

(4) Rumors of two US Government investigations persist: a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation into the mining contracts & permits, and a narcotics trafficking investigation, into the conduct of several most senior Haitian government officials, including the President and the Prime Minister.

Can you connect the dots here ? 

1 comment:

  1. Information provided in this page is informative.Some far it is true that mining companies in Canada are under pressure.If they want some change in mining sector or firm, first of all they have to concentrate on corruption.There are few bad things in terms of reputation for Canadian companies also another factor.If the companies are looking forward to get some change in this fields (corruption and reputation), it will be the success for Canadian mining.


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