Lest you think that the acts of Cayman Gang of Four, in stealing over $400m from Canadian investors, are their only sins and transgressions, be advised that they have also been taking advantage of Canada's systemic failure to charge financial professionals with insider trading violations, to give their clients non-public information, which they have used to make illegal profits in Canadian securities.
While there is a large amount of information uncovered by investigators, we will limit it here, in order to preserve evidence that is to be saved for future litigation:
Bill Tynkaluk |
(1) The Canadian financial adviser William (Bill) Tynkaluk, considered to be the brains behind the Cayman Gang of Four, has a cousin who works in the accounting department at Blackberry. Tynkaluk repeatedly gave inside information, about both planned future, and contemplated, Blackberry operations, to his investor clients, including several eyewitnesses who are prepared to testify at trial, in detail. Tynkaluk was interrogated, several times, by investigators at the Ontario Securities Commission, about those specific illicit activities, but to date has not been charged. It is not known whether he, or his firm, Leon Frazer & Associates, was ordered to pay a fine, because such matters are not public record in Canada. Tynkaluk also advised his clients to purchase stock in Jov Financial Solutions, Inc., f/k/a/ Jovian Capital Corporation, as he had inside information about that corporation's imminent acquisitions, and upcoming affiliation with the Leon Frazer firm. There remains a pending regulatory investigation of that matter.

(2) Former Dundee Merchant Bank president, Derek Buntain, was also called down to the OSC, several times, regarding insider trading allegations. As the result, he was reportedly ordered to resign from any and all directorships that he held, at publicly-traded Canadian corporations. We note that his resignation, last year, at Dundee Precious Metals, after decades on the board, was ostensibly for reasons of "diversity," but in truth and in fact, was required by the OSC, to avoid a massive fine.
Derek Buntain |
The roles of the remaining members of the Cayman Gang of Four, Sharon Lexa Lamb, Ryan Bateman (who is a Canadian citizen), and Fernando Motto Mendes, in insider trading, cannot be revealed at this time, for the reasons listed above. Whether criminal charges will be filed in Canada, against the Gang of Four, for securities violations, grand theft, fraud, money laundering, or related crimes, has become a matter of great public interest in Canada, as well as in the Cayman Islands; we will be monitoring all developments, as they occur.
Bateman, Lamb, Buntain |
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