Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Malta is respecting an ICSID "order" to delay an ongoing criminal case, due to its pending action, filed by one of the targets in the Pilatus bank case.The fact that a notoriously corrupt Maltese court has chosen to obey a directive from a non-judicial private body handling only designated investment disputes, to the effect that it intends to freeze any possible criminal action against the Iranian owner of the now-shuttered Pilatus Bank, ALI SADR HASHEMINEJAD, and others, means that justice will be delayed and further denied, most likely for years.

No court of competent jurisdiction should delay criminal proceedings just because a defendant is able to secure, from the ICSID, which is a private body, and not a court of law, a demand that no ongoing case elsewhere be stopped, pending what appears to be purely a mediation of a dispute  of no legal merit, created by the "victim" solely for dilatory purposes, to evade justice in Malta, in our humble opinion.

Questions have been raised in Malta whether the ICSID case is a controversy manufactured in a joint strategy by Ali Sadr and former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, to delay the pending Maltese case indefinitely, so that both individuals will never be called to account for their role in the massive money laundering that Pilatus Bank engaged in for years, with impunity. Did the two parties actually meet and confer recently, when Muscat was in Washington, DC, we wonder? JM and his spouse visited DC last week.

The fact that the Government of Malta has willingly engaged in appearing in the ICSID case indicates that it is cooperating in this charade, so as to keep the guilty parties from ever going to trial in Valletta for their crimes. As we have repeatedly stated, justice delayed is injustice, plain and simple.  

Case Details

Alpene Ltd v. Republic of Malta (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/36)

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