Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Malta has Fallen; Will it Ever Get Up ?  by COSIMO 

References to Malta and Sodom & Gomorrah most often take the financial aspect (Tax and VAT evasion, tax haven, money laundering, etc) but there’s another side to this sad and horrible story of Malta’s Sodom & Gomorrah. There are honest and law-abiding individuals who are enduring life-threatening situations and physical harm to the detriment of the evil and criminal forces that rule over the island with impunity and openly supported by persons from the government, the judiciary, and the law enforcement. 
Following the recent arraignment of a criminal gang of some five or six aggressors, accused of abducting a man, injuring him, threatening him that they will harm his family and to rape his sister, you will find a pattern that has been going on for years. Honest and law-abiding citizens have been and are still suffering from the acts of the criminals and their lives in danger due the lack of justice on the island.
The police have in hand more than enough hard evidence to have prosecuted them years ago over several illicit activities, but they did not. They will not be prosecuted over the other several accusations highlighted in the media recently which were known by everyone in Malta for far too long – Malta is listed as the top third country in the EU when it comes to VAT evasion and fraud. Furthermore, when there is a crime which cannot be covered up easily and some form of action is taken, the law courts quickly ensure that these criminals are sent back to our streets.

Malta Riding Evil Itself  by COSIMO

 Many blame the system and life goes on for the criminals and their associated politicians, lawyers, judges, and friends…but this is not the case for their victims. The system is nothing, but a bunch of complicit individuals dressed in suits! The victims are often told by the criminal bullies themselves that they are untouchables and even know what the outcome of a court action or sentence would be days in advance. The victims have nowhere to go for protection or to find justice, and if they do, they may well end up being the ones punished by the courts or threatened for life – this is Sodom and Gomorrah – this is Malta! Victims most often are told that these persons are untouchables and protected from top! You can see the frustration and demoralisation in the eyes of those few remaining decent and honourable police officers trying to put these criminals where they belong – however one way or another these criminals find their way back to our streets!

 Recently, the media exposed the links gangs has at all levels and how they roam around freely boasting about their wealth and friendship with the prime minister and other high public officials. If one maps what the victims’ experience to what is reported in the local media, one can only give up in despair and pray God to send his two angels, but the angels need to act fast. Out of the many crimes these criminals commit, there may be an instant where they end up being prosecuted by the police. And then the act moves on to the law courts where the combination of some pompous attorneys and some scratch my back judges is a guaranteed get out of jail free card. A couple of sittings and all are out on bail and God only knows when the case will continue. 

Delays are there for a purpose – the justice system is not fixed for a purpose! An even more serious fact is that some of these criminals have repeatedly breached their bail conditions, have pending court cases of rape and drug trafficking and manage to get the bail after few attempts. The combined trio will send these evil criminals back to our streets to inflict more damage onto their victims – and every time this happens the feel-powerful factor of these criminals’ multiples! A quick check of the reportage by the local online media will show a pattern of how whoever is accused is almost always released on bail when such combinations occur. 

It seems that there exists a template of procedural errors that becomes handy in these circumstances! One should read the comments boards of relevant reporting to understand the anger and despair of the law-abiding citizens! Despite all this, our duty is to keep exposing the evil doings of those who instead of defending justice and protecting honest people are working together with these criminals.

(By an Anonymous Reader)

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