Tuesday, July 23, 2024


If you are a compliance officer involved in Customer Identification Procedures, who has been presented with a passport from the Caribbean nation known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, more commonly known as St. Kitts, and you are concerned that the ethnic Chinese using it as identification might be holding one of those illegal CBI passports sold by Caribbean Galaxy in China, and which used forged or bogus ID to create it, meaning it shows a definite alias, and not the individual's true name, do not fear.

There are only a couple of hundred Chinese who are locally-born and raised Kittitians, and they can be identified by (1) Their definite Caribbean-accented English, which has that characteristic lilt that is easily recognizable. and (2) the individual can also speak in St. Kitts Creole, the local dialect spoken by native-born Kittitians. Do NOT accept anyone who is speaking with a British accent, which indicates that he or she most likely learned the language in China, or somewhere other than St. Kitts. Of course, if he doesn't speak Caribbean English, you have your answer, an decline his business.

Please note:This is not a method of profiling, or any other legally-prohibited method of prejudicial conduct towards a minority group member, but a risk-based method of insuring that you are not admitting, as gatekeeper, a Chinese white collar criminal, or individual engaged in industrial espionage, or an intelligence agent (meaning spy) engaged in activities that threaten National Security of your nation.

Given that Chinese criminals with illegal SKN CBI passports have been arrested in the United States, United Kingdom, and Singapore, there is a very good chance that you will encounter one of the many thousands of identity documents sold in China to criminals. Whether you choose to confiscate that passport, if you can safely do so, is a matter for you and your legal counsel, who may contact the authorities, if he determines that a crime was committed by the presentation of fraudulent and misleading identification for the purposes of opening an account at a Federally licensed financial institution.

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