Monday, July 22, 2024



While many compliance officers in the United States are closely monitoring MSR vs. LES KHAN, the Federal RICO case seeking damages against present and former government officials and Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) In St. Kitts and St. Lucia for participating in illegal CBI citizenship and passport sales programs, filed by a major stakeholder, there is another legal proceeding, which is also of significant importance to the reform of the region's Citizenship by Investment industry: an administrative proceeding to order (Mandamus) the SKN government to cancel and revoke all discounted CBI citizenships granted to CARIBBEAN GALAXY REAL ESTATE LTD., under the Prison Project. The ultimate decision of the Court will have an impact upon all five of the East Caribbean states that sell CBI products to the public, as it appears that Dominica, and the other EC jurisdictions, all allowed vendors to sell discounted citizenships, although they are prohibited b law.

The Government of St. Kitts originally sought to strike the administrative action, filed in the High Court of Justice, and styled MSR MEDIA vs. TERRANCE DREW, in his Capacity as Minister of National Security, (Case No.: SKBHCV2024/0087), but the Court declined to grant the motion, and did not dismiss the case, ruling that the issues presented would be the subject of s subsequent, substantive hearing. The court also ordered the Government to file its defenses on the merits, by 12 August, 2024.

The Petitioner MSR is reportedly in possession of 190 CBI applications for citizenship, wherein an illegally discounted rate was paid, of which 64 are said to have been processed during Prime Minister Drew's term in office. PM Drew has denied that any such illegal applications were filed during his tenure as PM. Just how many citizenships under the legal price did Prime Minister Drew approve?

The Court has scheduled the next hearing in the case for october 25, 2024, during which time it indicated that other relevant matters may be heard, and a firm trial date set. Given the importance of this matter, we will be asking senior Government officials for their official position, and comments, on the case and report back to our readers forthwith; stay tuned.

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