Tuesday, July 23, 2024


I have been knocking around the East Caribbean for mischief since the day I showed up in Dominica in 1979, to buy passports from a corrupt regime for American financial criminals. I later spent a decade as a career money launderer, taking full advantage of the fact that the United States, deeming the region safe from foreign influence, studiously ignored it. Where else in the world does the U.S. not have embassies and consulates in every country, no matter how small?

As we say. the chickens have a bad habit of coming home to roost; China has now embedded itself in the region, using a combination of adroit geopolitics, and artful money laundering through the penetration of all five Citizenship by Investment(CBI/CIP) economic citizenship passport sales programs.

Here are but a few of the many examples this old money launderer finds extremely troubling:
(1) Creating its own dark version of the Hong Kong enclave that was so successful for the UK, China is building a multi-million dollar colony that will be totally independent from Antigua, where it is under construction, which will feature its own passports, government, law enforcement and industry, and function separate from any influence from local indigenous laws.
(2) The two billion dollar (USD$2bn) theft, through fraud, of CBI profits, reportedly accomplished by Caribbean Galaxy, a Chinese-controlled company linked to the PRC government. All that money went straight to China.
(3) China's construction of massive embassies, in Caribbean countries that have literally zero trade with China, which have become bases of operation, and listening posts upon the United States. During the last major hurricane, over 900 Chinese nationals were evacuated from the embassy in Dominica; you cannot tell me all those people are diplomats.
(4) Bribe money for corrupt St .Lucia senior government officials was hand-delivered from Antigua by a Panamanian courier.
(5) China is building an advanced listening post inside Cuba, to more easily eavesdrop on American signals intelligence.
(6) An official from Caribbean Galaxy actually attended, as a staff member, a meeting at the United Nations of the St. Kitts delegation. This demonstrates how influential China is in the Caribbean.
(7) Chinese advisers supply armored card and advanced weapons to Dominica's camouflage-clad paramilitary police, which attack any peaceful protesters that challenge the local government's incestuous relationship with China.
(8) China's Belt & Road Initiative, which has been known to exploit poor nations that later are unable to pay those loans by forcing maritime and naval facilities on them, is all over the region, according to the Four Star General that commands SOUTHCOM, and constitutes an impending threat, according to Congressional testimony.

How will the United States respond? We will be watching.

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