Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Buried in a new civil lawsuit, filed against the United Nations, by some of the victims of the Hamas October 7 attack upon Israel, is a very disturbing allegation: that the UN actually knowingly engaged in terrorist financing, in the method through which it paid its aid employees inside Gaza. After you read this, you are going to wonder who is really running the UNRWA, the organization's Palestinian refugee agency, and their wilful blindness in the face of obvious terrorist financing.

It is has been alleged, in the lawsuit which was filed in the United States, that United Nations Relief and Works Agency, over strenuous objections from many quarters, including the United States, insisted on paying its aid workers in US Dollars (USD$), rather than Shekels, which is the currency of the realm in Israel and the Territories. The aid workers then, to be able ro locally use the funds represented by the greenbacks, would each time have to use Hamas-controlled money changing houses, to exchange their salaries. Those terrorist-owned firms then turned over that hard currency to their organization, which then had the right cash to purchase arms, ammunition, explosives on the world market. Thus the United Nations was, in effect, and allegedly intentionally, funding a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Organization.

It gets worse; these greedy money changing houses had the temerity to charge 10-25% in "fees" to the aid workers, knowing that they held a monopoly on currency exchange inside Gaza. That's even more funding for Hamas.

Was all this an intentional act to provide financial support for a terrorist organization? BTW, the present and former leaders of UNRWA have been individually named as defendants in the lawsuit, which should provide you with the answer. No wonder Israel has stated that it will not accept any role for the UNRWA in a post-war Gaza, or even in the West Bank a/k/a Judea and Samaria.

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