Uncover the Laundryman's Secrets

Monday, November 11, 2024


If you have been following the news this week, regarding President-Elect Trump's appointments in the foreign policy sphere, you have seen his choices for Border Czar and Ambassador to the United Nations, both of whom signal a welcome sea change in American national security policy across the board. Nowhere will such a change be more evident than in the Caribbean and Latin America, where the current administration has pointedly ignored the increasing political, economic and social influence of the Peoples' Republic of China in literally America's vulnerable backdoor. Count on Donald Trump to be the new sheriff in town, in a region of great geopolitical importance to the United States, and to get things done.

For the past four years, the United States has more or less stood idly by, while China has invested billions in the region, with emphasis on the small states of the Caribbean, whose dysfunctional national economies have sorely needed foreign investment, especially in infrastructure. When America's focus has been on trouble spots such as the Middle East, and in Eastern Europe, the Caribbean economies have been languishing, and in need of capital infusion. Enter China, with its Belt & Road Initiative, the construction of massive embassies in countries where there is zero trade with Beijing, and the construction of facilities sorely needed to expand trade and commerce.

 America's absence in providing financial assistance where sorely needed has provided an expanding China, hell bent on becoming a global power, with an opening, which it has exploited, with Caribbean leaders as willing partners, often receiving "financial incentives" ( read: bribes and kickbacks) to come on board and approve China's ambitious plans, which end up placing Chinese companies in the driver's seat, in the local political arena. Local, underpaid and underfed politicians who are bought and paid for will not object, as long as the money keeps coming in, and China is willing to supply it, making them willing accomplices to its plan of domination.

Now, with the advent of the Second Trump Administration, we fully expect to see the Department of State directly exert its powerful influence in the government houses of East Caribbean leaders, and a resurgence  of American law enforcement investigations into the spider web of Chinese Government-controlled private companies that China uses to advance its hidden agenda. China's usurpation of the five agencies that operate Citizenship by Investment economic passport programs in the EC states that offer UK & EU visa-free access will be the first place to start on what will be a massive campaign to rid the region, once and for all, of China's dark and autocratic influence. The corruption and associated money laundering and fraud that has infected and poisoned those programs, with active Chinese supervision, must be rooted out and quashed through indictments, arrests, trials and convictions in US courts, as much of the proceeds of those economic crimes enters the American financial structure, as US dollars, damaging our major banks; This must stop forthwith.

The complete removal of China's influence will require interagency governmental effort on the part of the United States, and the cooperation of a new breed of Caribbean leaders who are immune from bribery, and only seek to benefit the people that they wish to serve. Given that the alternative, allowing the Caribbean to become essentially a Chinese lake, bordering America's soft underbelly, which will only be far more costly to remove in the future, we believe that the new United States Government will act with vigor and resolve, and clean up this threat to our national security. 

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