Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Joseph Muscat, the disgraced former Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta, who is facing multiple criminal charges that could result in imprisonment for the rest of his life,  is reportedly taking steps calculated to return to the Office of Prime Minister and thereby evade accountability for his crimes, as assuming that position agai confers not only immunity from criminal prosecution, but also from extradition. This is critical, given the strong possibility that he might be indicted in the United States, in connection with Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) violations allegedly committed by American hospital management corporation executives, who reportedly paid bribes and kickbacks to Muscat and other government officials.

What is most disturbing about Muscat's alleged plans is how he plans to oust sitting PM Robert Abela, right after the European elections: he knows very damaging secret about Abela, which will be leaked to the Maltese press. That secret, which is how he has been able to control Abela in the past, is Muscat's only way out of his legal predicament. He apparently has decided against fleeing the country, for a non-extraditable jurisdiction, which could end his volatile, strictly political, marriage.

We understand, from sources close to the PM, that Abela is aware of JMs dark plans, and is in a panic, since with Chris Fearne's resignation, due to his indictment,  a gap in senior PL leadership will occur if he is forced to resign the premiership.The current Minister of energy, Miriam Dalli, is not deemed to be a contender to succeed him if the need arose. Our inside sources says that Muscat, who is known to be depressed about his exposure in the criminal case, fears for his future, and is committed to ousting RA, by any means possible. 

We are closely monitoring the unfolding situation, and will report back to our readers on a developments as they occur. Perhaps this is a time to recall that Muscat had ample opportunity to cooperate with American law enforcement, but was  reportedly advised by counsel that for political reasons he would never be charged in the United States, due to his powerful American friends in the hospital scheme, and political allies in Maltese politics. Unfortunately, the political winds of change have blown away his privileged and immune status, and he is about to face blind justice sooner, rather than later.  

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