Wednesday, September 4, 2024


If you have been underestimating the actions of the Peoples' Republic of China as a developing National Security threat to the United States, perhaps yesterday's breaking story might have caught your attention. A Chinese former aide to two Governors of the State of New York was charged with Acting as an Unregistered Agent of a Foreign Power, in additional several other crimes, for covertly advancing Chinese national interests, and interfering with all contacts from Taiwan, while assisting the most powerful elected government official in that state. 

Take a good look at the photograph at the top of this article; taken at the General Assembly of the United Nations, it shows YING LIN, the CEO of the Chinese company, CARIBBEAN GALAXY REAL ESTATE LIMITED, sitting as part of the official delegation from Saint Kitts and Nevis, in the company of  Prime Minister Drew and Minister of Foreign Affairs Douglas. What's significant about that picture is that it is clear and convincing evidence that China, with the active assistance of the most senior government officials of Saint Kitts and Nevis, as well as in nearby Saint Lucia, who are aiding the master plan of China and chinese criminals, has massively infiltrated the Citizenship by Investment (CBI/CIP) programs of those nations.

 The ultimate object of China, through its abuse of the CBI programs, is to (1) Obtain passports which facilitate money launder and financial crime within the United States, (2) Use the passports for the purposes of industrial espionage, as well as spying, inside America, and (3) To create such a large base of Chinese St. Kitts and St. Lucia citizens, to cause those Caribbean countries to reject their diplomatic recognition of Taiwan (Republic of China), and to  recognize the PRC. In the past few months, there have been a number of arrests, in the United States, of Chinese criminals holding Caribbean CBI passports.

For those readers who are having trouble accepting the fact that the current Saint Kitts government, and its Prime Minister, TERRANCE DREW, are merely continuing to facilitate the illegal sales, through Galaxy, of substantially discounted Kittitian citizenships, the facts speak for themselves. Drew's government, though it sought to distance itself from the prior administration, has processed, and completed  thousands and thousands of passport applications started by his disgraced predecessor, TIMOTHY HARRIS. Furthermore, although he has stated that he will duly cancel all CBI passports sold for the illegally-discounted sum, he has failed to take any concrete administrative action to accomplish this. Frankly, the photograph says it all; he is completely in the pocket of his Chinese partner, Galaxy. He has also refused to accept the evidence of the fraud, which was presented in court, or to review it when invited to do so.

LES KHAN, the former CEO of Saint Kitts CIP, and later Galaxy's CEO, was allowed to authorize, when engaging a due diligence company to vett all the Chinese applicants, an entity in China owned by a Vice President of Galaxy, which on its face is a Conflict of Interest. There is no proof that the due diligence company was competent to perform the  required tasks, nor that had any experience in the field, nor that it performed such services for any other company. 

  PM Philip Pierre of Saint Lucia, and the rest of that nation's government, has also demonstrated a total loyalty, obeisance and deference to Galaxy's wishes and commands. His government has failed to file required financial disclosure reports for CIP for two years, and provide forensic accounting for Galaxy's accounts in Hong Kong. His government will not even confirm how many thousands of passports it has authorized for Galaxy, notwithstanding a clamor from its constituents for transparency. The evidence, which will show that 13,000 files were given to Galaxy, allowing it to create 52,000 new citizens in that small Caribbean island.

 Both countries have passports sold at half the legal price, and unfinished construction projects galore abound from Chinese developers such as Galaxy. There are large numbers of Chinese nationals holding Caribbean passports of the two nations, with total disregard of the probable demographic consequences of that fact for the future, considering the potential influence of those Chinese in those countries, and the danger that this represents for the United States. What percentage of Chinese hold passports of Saint Kitts and Saint Lucia compare to the local population? What if an international event or crisis makes the Chinese passport holders move to these islands? They then would have a substantial economic and political power over the local citizens from these islands .

 The reaction of those Caribbean leaders is silence; they are not conducting any investigation of meaningful importance into the criminals who purchased their passports, with transparency for the population, and the United States is paying the price, as the Chinese holding these passports are coming to commit their crimes in the United States.While the term Clear and Present Danger is often abused in the United States, it is completely applicable and relevant here, regarding China's looming National Security danger to the United States, which is facilitated by a group of amoral, avaricious Caribbean government officials who cannot see further than their bribes and kickbacks, and have sold out their countries for a barrel of one hundred dollar notes. What will the United States do now?


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