If you closely read Grenada's CIRCULAR NO.2 OF 2025, you would have noticed that what is referred to as "Owner Financing" is a central part of the organized fraud that CBI consultancies play on the country's Investment Migration Agency (IMA), the department that administered the economic passport program. It allows the stakeholder or developer to create a fiction, to the effect that the full authorized legal price is being paid for the citizenship.
In truth and in fact, there is absolutely no expectation that the "loan" of more than 50% of the purchase price will ever be repaid, and no money ever actually is "lent" to the transaction; it's all an accounting entry, all smoke & mirrors, having all the indicia of fraud. It allows the consultancy to fast close the transaction for 40-50% of the legally allowed minimum purchase price for the citizenship. Yes, the developer/builder makes damn sure that the IMA gets all the required fees. In some cases, the construction project is never completed, and some never even break ground, like the unbuilt GSA sustainable aquaculture shrimp farm aquaculture project of SOREN DAWODY, which took USD$18m out of Grenada, and literally ran away with it. He has never been prosecuted for such a massive fraud.
The Owner Financing scam is just one more example of how amoral developers break the CBI laws in Grenada with impunity, with the aid and assistance of both the IMA, and officials at the highest level. It is now high time that the United States cancels the ability of Grenadian citizens, which includes CBI passport holders, to obtain an E-2 Treaty Investor Visa, for it is one of the major selling points consultants selling grenada passports hawk stridently. America doesn't need any more people coming in by way of fraud and deceit.The Owner Financing scam just adds insult to injury. Cancel Grenada's eligibility for E-2 visas forthwith. There's just too much crime going on in the CBI program, and ignored by a government that is gleefully collecting too much in the way if lucrative fees to rein it in.