A whistleblower from Saint Lucia, who formerly worked closely with his country's CIU, which manages the Saint Lucia CIP passport sales program, has produced evidence that Deputy Prime Minister ERNEST HILAIRE, who also has the portfolio of Minister for Investment, has received large bribes from some of the companies engaged to perform due diligence on the applicants for economic citizenship. The individual named two corporate entities all having a variation of the name GLOBE DETECTIVE, and all from India, as the entities that gave the illegal payments to Hilaire.
These companies are not to be confused with prominent legitimate investigatory firms in the UK coincidentally also named Globe; it is believed that the deceptively similar names were used to deceive foreign law enforcement agencies and regulators into thinking that effective, adequate due diligence procedures were in place. In truth and in fact this was not the case. Some of these Globe entities have been banned in other East Caribbean jurisdictions that also sell economic passports. The companies, all formed in India were found to be be ineffective, lacking a physical office, and having no investigators on staff to actually conduct due diligence on applicants. They are also known to have themselves accepted illegal payments to approve individuals who had known criminal connections, and who were then routinely approved for Saint Lucia CIP citizenship and passports, under Hilaire's orders. Minister Hilaire has ignored repeated calls from the people of Saint Lucia to drop Globe; he directly supervises the CIU in his role as Minister of Investment.
From the Government website:
One of the Globe companies, shown below as (2) also formed in India, has no visible directors, exists only as a virtual entity, and appears to have been formed solely to create a new identity for a business when the first one became known as unsatisfactory as a due diligence provider serving Saint Lucia. The names cited by the whistleblower are:
When will Saint Lucia follow the lead of other Caribbean jurisdictions, and block the Globe companies from any further due diligence business?