Wednesday, November 15, 2017


 His trial is scheduled for November 27, but Reza Zarrab, the principal defendant in the pending Federal Iran "Oil-for-Gold" sanctions evasion trial in New York, is missing in action. He has been dropped from the Bureau of Prisons database, showing "released" to inquiries, though the US Attorney's Office has reportedly affirmed that he is still in custody. His attorneys have failed to file the usual pre-trial pleadings. Has he made a deal, and will eventually plead out ? Or will he be quietly sent to the Islamic Republic of Iran, to face the probable death penalty, for stealing billions, in some sort of diplomatic exchange ?

Right now, it is impossible to determine whether Zarrab is in WitSec, the witness protection program, so we must reserve judgment on the wisdom of his legal defense team, in suspending their pre-trial actions. Given the probable strength of the Government's case, pleading out would seem to the best avenue, to avoid a Draconian sentence after conviction, but we are puzzled at this point.

The most important issue is whether others will be indicted, based upon his cooperation, if it is now ongoing, and we imagine a number of potential defendants who are Iranians, Malaysians, and Dominicans share that thought as well.

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